{ Session 012 | Overview | Session 014 }

Session 13 keypoints

  • Nothing.

  • The party walks into the main square of Hohrinzem.
  • The main square is attached to the Adventurers Guild, The Great Vault, Tavern, and Barber.
  • We head to the Adventurers Guild.
    • Quest options:
      • Blue: letter delivery 🟦
      • Blue: heirloom has been stolen 🟦
      • Red: Obelisk in Nisgba 🟥
      • Red: Crashed meteorite 🟥
      • Red: Parcel delivery to nocriye 🟥
    • New options:
      • Red: Betroch Infestation 🟥
      • Red: Wanted: Jurgen 🟥
      • Red: Goblin Onyx 🟥
      • Blue: Monster Hunt 💀🟦
  • Damjan asks in the Guild for Jurgen.
    • Someone explains that Jurgen is most likely still in the Town. Probably in the poor area of town that is to be destroyed for rebuilding. It has not been destroyed for several years. !!!
    • Someone explains Jurgen is a rugged-looking Porcupine. Jurgen is missing one eye.
  • The Party accepts the quest Wanted: Jurgen.
  • We decide to split the party. I go with Damjen. Norrix and Ravahn go together.
  • Ravahn and Norrix walk up to a half-destroy park with a small pond.
    • Ravahn briefly saw a figure behind a window to the right. Norrix notices a few footprints to the same house.
    • Damjan and I approach from the other side.
    • Damjan knocks on the door.
    • I keep knocking as Damjan checks behind the house.
    • Damjan notices a elderly Porcupine behind the house, trying to escape through the window, half stuck. (+1xp)
    • Damjan alarms the party and tries to grab the Porcupine, but only manages to grab his shoe.
    • Ravahn comes flying in response and hi-jump kicks through the window, hitting the Porcupine in the face with his talons.
    • Damjan climbs through the window, shouting to the Porcupine to get on the ground.
    • Norrix bashes through the front door. I follow.
    • Notices notices a ladder to the attic and decide to head up.
    • Ravahn and Norrix interrogate the Porcupine, who claims to be named ‘Simon’, and complains about another Porcupine down the street.
    • I inquire about the other Porcupine. ‘Simon’ doesn’t seem to know much about him.
    • Norrix climbs up to the attic. He only finds 11 Orchalk.
  • We head to the 7 houses that were pointed out.
    • We decide to knock on the doors, one by one.
    • Behind one of the doors, we hear “Nobody’s home”.
    • Damjan keeps knocking until the door opens as we hear some soft footsteps scurry away.
    • Damjan and I enter the house as Ravahn keeps watch and Norrix stays outside.
    • Damjan is on the upper floor. I am on the lower floor. Norrix watches the middle floor.
    • Damjan notices nothing in the upper floor.
    • I only notice a horrible smell downstairs as someone runs up to the middle floor.
  • Norrix rushes in.
    • I check the fireplace and find a few sharp, (silver) knives and 4 Denari.
    • I exclaim loudly “Guys! I found his money!“.
    • I hear footsteps directly above me.
    • Norrix climbs up to the next floor and notices a Skunk in the next room.
    • I toss the new-found knives to Norrix.
    • The Skunk dives towards Norrix.
    • Norrix smacks him out of the air.
    • I dash up to Norrix.
    • Norrix completely demolishes the Skunk and ties him up.
    • Damjan interrogates the Skunk. The Skunk explains he hides with Jurgen here. He explains they were looking to rob Norrix and Ravahn with Daniel, Andre, and Jurgen.
    • The Skunk explains how they ‘accidentally’ killed a guard, and ‘accidently’ got someone else locked up for Jurgen’s crime.
    • Meanwhile I try to open the Skunk’s chest in another room. I feel like it is filled to the brim.
  • I suggest taking the chest outside to bait the others.
    • We drag the chest outside and start walking towards the town.
    • As we walk, we notice three guys walking towards us in a barely stealthy manner.
  • Norrix and I dash towards Jurgen. Norrix smacks Jurgen, injuring him.
  • Damjan shoots and completely demolishes Andre.
    • Daniel is terrified. Jurgen is slightly startled.
  • Norrix smacks Jurgen down in a powerful swing.
  • We find a Heavy Steel Key on Jurgen.
  • We open the chest with and find:
    • 3 portion of medicine (removes hurt)
    • 3 chain mails
  • We bring the 3 remaining living bandits to the Guild, as well as Simon.
    • Simon turns out to be innocent. I hand him the 4 Denari I found earlier. He seems happy with the (for him large sum of) money.
    • The previously falsely convicted Porcupine is released.
  • End of session (+5xp)

{ Session 012 | Overview | Session 014 }